Scriptcase macros
Scriptcase macros

Generated applications have complete Internationalization support.Allows you to create pages in panel style which can be attached to several applications such as tables, queries, forms and external pages.In addition to the components introduced in this new version you can use all the power of jQuery to enhance generated applications.

scriptcase macros

Thickbox to display images in original size and JQuery pop-up links - Intelisense, optimizing the auto-complete AJAX and filters on the forms.Create dynamic horizontal and tree menus in a visual way to call other applications.Applications generated with ScriptCase can be easily extended by adding custom code or by using any of the available ScriptCase macros.ScriptCase provides a visual way to create in a few clicks master/detail forms and reports using Ajax, transaction control and data integrity verification are automatically created.ScriptCase automatically creates charts from your report's groups and totals, the final user can dinamicaly modify several chart's attributes, like type, colors, size.It is possible to create search pages to use with grids and forms. ScritpCase allows the final user to search, sort and browse data dynamically.ScriptCase provides a dynamic way to show data: detailed, grouped, agregated and many other ways with automatically calculated fields.ScriptCase generates CRUD(CreateUpdateDelete) applications in a few clicks, it is also possible to add custom code to handle business rules and special validation routines.Connect your favorite database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server.) to generate applications that run independent from Scriptcase, and may be published on any PHP-enabled web server. Scriptcase can work with any web browser, either on your Local Network or on the Internet and allows several developers to work simultaneously on the same project. It can build applications in an intuitive and fast way, like Management reports, registration forms, runtime customizable charts, user authentication, dynamic menus, calendars, dashboards and much more. Through Scriptcase you can develop complete PHP systems and customized reports very quickly.

scriptcase macros

It is the best and most efficient rapid web development tool on the market. Scriptcase PHP Generator can build complete systems and create customized reports safe and quickly. Scriptcase PHP Generator is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity, saving time and increasing profits.

Scriptcase macros